About Me

Who am I? My name is Daron and with the exception of a 1 year hiatus I’ve lived in Snohomish County all my life. I graduated from Mariner High School.

At the age of 20 I joined Silver Lake District #11 as a volunteer Fire Fighter. This led to obtaining my EMT license and eventually started working 12 and 24 hour shifts. It was a great and fun department to be with lots of calls that kept the volunteers very active. That all ended when they merged with Fire District 1 which signaled the start of the end for the active volunteer program. I now volunteer with King County FD #47 Kangley / Palmer (retired).

I’ve been listening to scanners since I was a kid. My dad purchased a scanner from the military PX that used to reside in Paine Field. It all started from there. I got my hands on my first programmable scanner when I was about 18 out of some catalog that came in the mail. I think it was a Bearcat and had something like 100 programmable channels.

I am a very “tech guru” type of person. I love technology and the Internet. Some of my other hobbies include Bowling, High Powered Rocketry, RC helicopter / Quad flying and camping in the Pacific NW.


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