Update 03/27/2025

March 27th, 2025
**At the time of this writing, the switch over date for the new radio communication system is scheduled for April 8th, 2025**

All good things must come to an end. It’s been a good 15 year (give or take) run. And with that said, the end is near for live scanner broadcasting for this website.

Many factors come into play with this decision. The biggest player is the upcoming changes to the radio system used by first responders. And the uncertainty of what can actually be monitored once the switch over is complete. One thing certain, new scanner equipment would need to be purchased (not cheap). Along with new software and possibly a new PC to drive everything. Side note, incredibly the same Windows 7 PC I built around June, 2013 to run the scanner feeds and relay to the website, still runs to this day!

It’s been speculated for years that Police radio communications are to be encrypted. Meaning the public will not be able to monitor Police communications any longer. I personally believe this part to be accurate and set in stone. Some rumors regarding the Fire/EMS is that only the dispatching of the units would be “in the clear”. Actual ground communications once these units were on scene would also be encrypted. Again, all speculation. Note: IT WILL NOT matter what model / brand scanner one has or what app is used to listen, if communications are encrypted no one in the public will be able to listen. End of story.

Other factors. I don’t have the passion for the hobby that use to have. I have move on to other things in life. Scanner listening and live posing to X and Facebook is not included in this. Where I was once the only live scanner feed available in Snohomish County, is now accompanied by many other scanner feeds. And real-time dispatching alert apps are available at ones fingertips.

I will keep the website up for nostalgic / legacy reasons. But I will no longer be updating it from here on out. The “Contact Me” page of the website will be left up. And the website feeds will be shut down April, 8th 2025. And for all intent and purposes the Snohomish County Scanner Facebook page along with the SnoCo_Scanner X (Twitter) account will both fall silent.

Thank you for all the support over the years. It was a great run. And a special thanks to long time listener, Sandie.
“Goodbye, Farewell and Amen”

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